Saturday, August 23, 2008

In Lubango!

We have arrived in Lubango Angola! The trip went well, made all of our connections and were met in Windhoek Namibia by Bernie Thiessen (a welcome site) and he took us to Otjari House where we spent Wed. night. He also took us back to the airport and helped us get through the check in etc. for our flight to Lubango.
All of our luggage made the trip, had to leave one box in Windhoek to be picked up later because of weight restrictions on TAAG Airlines. We were a few kilos over as it was but they were so busy that nothing was said.

We are settling into our house/home for three months. Went shopping for some groceries yesterday. Fortunately Basilio was able to drive us around and help with the shopping as speaking Portuguese was a requirement, or at least being able to read the labels. Barb was beginning to wonder when she asked him if he did the grocery shopping for their family and he said "Oh no, I'm not allowed, I don't do it right". We did manage to get enough to get by for a few days, even if some of what we bought wasn't exactly what we thought we were buying. See if you can figure out what "Miolo da Paleta" is when you are at the meat market?
Many things have changed in five years, there are alot more things available in the shops now, but the prices of things have gone up as well. Traffic is many times more difficult than before. I will have to do several more "ride-alongs" before I have the courage to venture out on my own. The city has changed traffic patterns with more one way streets but it is complicated by the fact that many intersections are closed as they are doing construction and renovations to the streets. No street signs yet, everything has to be done by memory and many of the landmarks I used last time have changed or disappeared.

Brent, one of the pilots & next door neighbor, made dinner for us on thurs., we were able to go to pizza night at Dr. Foster's last night (because Dr. Collins offered to drive us) and tonight we are going to a pot-luck weiner roast at Becky's just up the road.

We are still working on our blogging skills, hope to get the hang of adding pictures soon.
More latter,
God's Blessings,
Barb and Tim H.
Lubango, Angola

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I'm happy to hear you arrived in Lubango safely :) Jon gave me the link to your blog so I can follow all that you guys are doing in Angola. I'm looking forward to keeping up with the news from your stay.